
RJ trainees with good interim assessment


The first module of the trial training program was successfully completed by the industrial trainees at RJ Lasertechnik.

In the 2022 training year, two industrial apprentices, Kerem and Niklas, have once again started their vocational training at RJ Lasertechnik. This vocational training is carried out by RJ in cooperation with the training association TIAF-AC, Aachen. 

The first inter-company training module was completed last week: Metal basics - drilling, countersinking, reaming, filing, sawing was completed. The trainers attested to our trainees' great motivation and thirst for knowledge and are very satisfied with their performance. 

The TIAF-AC training concept aims to supplement the dual training system of vocational school and training company with inter-company training. The result is a trial t

RJ trainees with good interim assessment
RJ trainees with good interim assessment

Niklas (1st from left at the back) and Kerem (5th from left at the back) in the circle of the TIAF-AC training group

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