
Further expansion of clean room production


RJ Lasertechnik doubles capacity with high-tech systems

Since 2019, RJ Lasertechnik has been operating a class 8 clean room with a usable area of 85 square meters, which enables production with the highest level of cleanliness and particle purity under constantly controlled conditions. Last year, the capacity for laser welding of linear motors for semiconductor production was significantly expanded. With two self-built triple laser welding systems and a single workstation, a total of seven new welding workstations as well as a test and a measuring workstation are now available. 

Now two more state-of-the-art systems have gone into operation, enabling us to increase our productivity and, above all, speed up quality testing and raise it to a new level. 

The first machine is a system that uses AI-supported image processing to carry out a 360° inspection of the components. The second machine is a laser marking system with integrated error prevention (poka-yoke). 

These new systems will make our production line more efficient and reliable, enabling us to offer our customers even higher quality and faster delivery times.

Picture above: 

The sealed-off class 8 cleanroom work area at RJ Lasertechnik

Picture below: 

Two workstations of the triple laser welding system in RJ's clean room

class 8 cleanroom work area
class 8 cleanroom work area
triple laser welding system
triple laser welding system

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